Sunday 19 September 2010

London 2010 Year List - WANTED!

These are the birds that I feel could be possible, and that I have not seen in London this year, and in most cases, ever. The LNHS recording area is a circle of 20 miles radius, centred on St Paul's Cathedral. Very approximately, this is the area enclosed by the M25, but a proper map can be found here.

I'm reasonably well plugged-in to the London grapevine, but no-one can know everything, so I would very much appreciate any news you may have on any of the below. Obviously some are less likely than others, but if you have one (or more) on your patch, or in your garden, I would like to know about it!


Great White Egret
Glossy Ibis
Whooper Swan
Green-winged Teal
Ferruginous Duck
Ring-necked Duck
Lesser Scaup
Grey Partridge
 Pomarine Skua

Ring-billed Gull
Iceland Gull
Long-eared Owl
Richard's Pipit
Great Grey Shrike

Willow TitCommon redpoll


  1. In no particular order, I reckon your most likely birds there are: merlin, snow bunt, lapland bunt, iceland gull, spooner, and twite. And I reckon you could get them all at Rainham. I've had 4 of those 6 at Rainham, and I'm rubbish.

  2. I've seen 5 of those at Rainham, so I'm hopeful. Spot Crake too, but the water looks too high in the pool one was in last year. Iceland Gull has got to be the most likely.

  3. Hey Jono, I see they had the first Mealy of the Autumn at the Wetland Centre today with two Lessers. The trees'll be dripping with em soon :-)
