I have just been to Scotland with the family. Consequently Hoopoe and Black-winged Stilt are not on my London list. Bummer, but what can you do? I refuse to suspend real life just in case a bird might turn up. On the plus side, we had a lovely time with the kids, I saw a different Hoopoe up there, and also put two rather shady ticks well and truly to bed with excellent views of Ptarmigan and Capercaillie on a quick trip to the Highlands.
I forgot to take my camera, so I'm afraid there are no photos of any of this.
If you believed that last sentence, you are a mug....
I forgot to take my camera, so I'm afraid there are no photos of any of this.
If you believed that last sentence, you are a mug....

No, prepare to be bored rigid by my holiday snaps, including approximately 30,000 Chaffinches. It is difficult to know where to start really. The first few days were spent in Fife not doing a great deal. Somewhere in the middle Muffin and I had twenty-four hours in the Highlands and cleaned up, I mean really cleaned up, and then the final day was on the coast on the East Neuk. So there is a lot to tell. I know, I'll start with a Chaffinch.

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