Monday 28 June 2010

A Little Stunner

I am of course referring to this simply gorgeous Barred Yellow moth. When you saw the title what did you think you were going to get? Some candid playground photography? Come on now, it's still June, so that means there are still no birds in Wanstead. In a couple of days they will all suddenly reappear, of that I am sure.

So, a Barred Yellow then. I've been liking the green ones, and the Cinnabar was pretty cool as well, but this easily takes the prize for most attractive moth to grace my garden so far. Well, to grace my garden and that I have seen. They say that the average garden has about 500 species of moth in it. Having had my trap for about three weeks now, I am up to 108 species identified, with a further 20 or so defying me, all of which are small and boring-looking.

Right, it's Monday, so that means clean clean clean. Marigolds on, pinnafore adjusted, and away I go! Adios!

1 comment:

  1. A cracking moth Jonathan, I had my first Barred Yellow the other day at Hutchingsons Bank but I had to be contnet with binocular views as it was resting on an ivy covered tree the wrong side of a nasty barbed wire fence

    Nick Tanner
