Wednesday 9 February 2011


I was playing with Pudding in the garden this morning when a Red Admiral butterfly flew past. You could have knocked me over. A couple of weeks ago there was snow all over the place, and now there are butterflies. Eh? My conclusion is that it is now summer.

A couple of hours later and all of a sudden there were two flitting around the terrace. To prove I am not butterfly-stringing, I took a photo. You can tell this is my house because Pudding is inside. There is another way you can tell though - can anyone spot what it is?


  1. Absolute disgrace you could be stringing anything through windows like that.

  2. we all know what you should be doing tomorrow instead of sloping off birding!

  3. I saw a blog post today of flowers blooming in some part of London, so I must agree with you, must be summer. In contrast, today I had to climb up a snowbank to my parking meter, then crouch down to put coins in the meter, since the snow level was just slightly below the coin slot ... sadly I can only conclude that it is still winter here, and will be forever.

  4. The ladybird in my kitchen thought it was summer too!
