Those of a nervous disposition should navigate away now, this post could well be too exciting for you to cope with. Yes, I went birding in Wanstead. More accurately I went twitching in Wanstead. A text from Paul at 12:09 said "Little Egret west end of Heronry Pond". Believe me, this is about as exciting as it gets in Wanstead. I proceeded to run around like a lunatic, gathering bins, pushchair and children, and stormed out of the house. Pathetic does not come close. We got to the pond an amazing 11 minutes later at 12:20, I took an underwhelming photo on my phone at 12:21, reproduced below, and at 12:22 some Crows chased the Egret off. Splendid. Was I ecstatic and over the moon? Yes (in a non-geeky way of course). As the Egret flew off west, on a path that would take it directly over my garden, did absurd depression set in? Ish.

Anything else been happening? Nada. But then how could anything match that? I had to lie down for the rest of the week to recover, and tomorrow I am off to Norfolk with the boys which should be the ideal tonic and allow me to get Wanstead out of my system. We're going in Shaun's white van, so we can swear copiously at other road users. Paul and Monkey may join us. If they do, we need to find a way to keep Paul awake, as last weekend at Howard's BBQ he kept on falling asleep.

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