Sunday 15 September 2013

Always go see Shrikes...

What a bird, what a little stunner! All week I've been itching to go and see the juv Red-backed Shrike at West Canvey. Local blogger after local blogger has been posting point blank images, but could I get there? I couldn't even get there yesterday, being indisposed in Oxford. However by some good fortune it was still there this morning, and so after dumping Mrs L and the girls in central London, young Master L and I went straight there. Well, a slight deviation to pick up suitable optics in Wanstead, but essentially straight there, nothing could have swayed me from my course. Rule #162. I love Shrikes, and I mean love. LOVE. They're brilliant, compact little birds absolutely stuffed full of personality. And Craneflies.

On arrival we could see a small gaggle of people, and a mini proliferation of white lenses. How come so many people have them these days? Naturally I added to the congregation, trouncing everyone with the mighty 800mm. Ha! Happily I only had to lug it all of about 100 yards, and it proved its continued worth - Shrikes are surprisingly small. It was atop a small bush, a crappy shooting angle, but it soon flew down onto the fence to continue feeding there. Probably as close as 30 feet - I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. Oh, except I don't buy any of that, and anyway, this was loads better. It was one of those rare and perfect birds that didn't care. Faced with a barrage of shutter clicks, it could not have cared less, and even the presence of the photographer with as little fieldcraft as I have ever seen didn't phase it - mind you he was well behaved today. And it was a Shrike of course, which added to the perfection. I suppose if I'm nit-picking it could have been an adult male, or a Masked Shrike, but hey....

So, absolutely no apologies for a massively photo-heavy post. It was awesome. Wish I'd been there for the early morning light, as it would have been delightful, but you can't have it all, and I was pleased to be there at all. If I could have one opportunity like this every weekend, ideally with a Shrike, from now 'til the end of the year, I would be a very happy man. Actually, I'm pretty happy already. Brilliant.




  1. Brilliant, what a little stunner!

  2. I run a blog for Smestow Valley LNR. I have started a nature network to protect our patches and coordinate wildlife surveys. Please could you e-mail me at and I shall send you more information. Thank you. Regards, Chris Millward.

  3. Now that's just plain daft. How could it be so close? Fabulous photos, Jono

  4. Incredible (and I mean incredible!) pictures. I think you must have a very expensive 600mm prime lens! Our attempts at picture taking of the Berkshire RB Shrike with our Canon 100-400mm lens didn't give these kinds of results. See

  5. Glad you like them, thanks. Focal length and lens quality always helps (these are actually at 800mm), but actually far more important is technique, understanding light, and, dare I say it, skill. People need to remember that. To anyone that thinks I take good photos because I have an expensive lens, think again. If you ate a nice meal would you compliment the chef on his saucepan? Give me your 100-400 and I'd still nail it. Don't take this the wrong way, but if I handed you my 800mm, could we say the same? I sound very arrogant, but that arrogance comes from continual practice and self-crit, not from writing a cheque. Cheers, JL
