Monday 22 April 2019

A problem of chronology

My blog is like the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Perhaps not quite as entertaining, but that's the power of big budgets for you. No, I am talking about chronology. I have lost the plot. Within MCU (yes, I am that down with the kids) the films come out in a seemingly random order, which I then further mix up with random dvd purchases generally based on price. Luckily I have children who are completely au fait with all of this and able to tell me the sequence of events regarding the Avengers, Thor and Ironman and so on. With my blog I have no such fallback.

At the moment I am about halfway through writing up a trip I did to Arizona in March. I am also trying to finish off Singapore which was in February, and I've also been on a family holiday to Cyprus which (shock, horror) involved birds. I am not meaning to show off here by the way, and apologies if that is what comes across, but I do like writing about the things I do and travel happens to be one of them. In the face of the XR I am acutely aware that this particular aspect of my life is not exactly to be celebrated, and as mentioned back in January I am still wrestling with it and what I do about it. In fact, and in common with the rest of my blog, I have a half written post which I am still trying to make sense of in my own mind before unleashing it on the internet. I would like to say however that disrupting a light railway in the name of climate change seems counter-intuitive, although the publicity was undeniable. Anyhow, as per my post yesterday patch birding is once again de rigeur, and daily expeditions set forth (on foot!) from Chateau L in search of all the same birds that were seen last year, as that is what birding a local patch is all about - endless repetition. All of these trains of thought are in my head, and keeping track of where they all fit is proving rather challenging, to the point where I have actually stopped as I would rather just be outside in the garden doing the weeding which requires minimal brain power.

I keep looking at the computer guility and thinking how nice it would be if it were all just done. Which is of course is absurd, as writing about it is wholly unnecessary. It may be compulsive, I'm not sure. Clearly not that compulsive. But it won't record itself, and nobody can step in and sort out this big jumble. I have just hit publish on a post on Antelope Canyon, an incredible place in Arizona, but I actually wrote this about three weeks ago when I was on a roll and had written several blog posts in an evening. I actually wrote about being on this roll, whereupon all creative impetus immediately ceased. Won't make that mistake again.

It is building however. I can feel it. Expect a large outpouring in the near future. For now, here is a Rüppell's Warbler from Cyprus. Do you ever wonder about bird names? I do, and I plan to make you wonder about them too. He was a German naturalist who spent many years in North Africa and has loads of birds named after him. This is perhaps the best one, although Rüppell's Robin-chat is a bit of a looker.


  1. It's a good job some of us like reading your stuff then! Out-pour away.

    1. Four posts in progress Graham, plus the troublesome travel one.

  2. Jonathan, I've really enjoyed reading your posts over the last few years, and look forward to your post on the impact of travel. It's probably a conundrum for a lot of your readers. Here's something I spotted earlier this morning, following an XR inspired conversation. It might be worth a ponder.

    Many thanks for your efforts. They're much appreciated and enjoyed.
    Jonathan M

    1. That's an excellent concept. I do wonder if something far more drastic is needed though.
