Our day in the Highlands had been great, and today we were
headed for another area with a new set of birds – the Pacific Lowlands. Before
we left Savegre we walked one of the trails behind the hotel – here we had
excellent views of Spotted Barbtail. We also saw Dark Pewee on the margins of
the the forest. It was perched ridiculously high up and was located by Leo on
call. It would be have been nice to continue birding this areas as we had
missed the Peg-billed Finch, but time was pressing and we had a long way to go.
First we had to climb out of the valley. This took us past
the Quetzal trees we had scored in the previous afternoon, and as we approached
the bend we could see a few people pointing excitedly up the slope on the other
side of the road from where we had seen the birds yesterday. We pulled up and
jumped out – a male Quetzal was in full view excavating a nest hole while the
female sat in the trees above him. The entire bird was visible, from the top of
the aquamarine head to the bottom of the extended ‘tail’ feathers. Wow all over
again. We burned 20 minutes of birding time elsewhere on this phenomenal sight
but it was worth it!
Back on the main road we had a couple of targets. The first
was a site that Leo knew for Wrenthrush, a real skulker that we tried in two
places for and I jammed a view of it at the second. I think Bob went without
unfortunately but once again we had to keep moving. Our destination was the
town of Tarcoles – all the way down the slope, through San Isidro, over the
smaller range and then a long way up the coast (see map here). Also here were Yellow-thighed Finch, Flame-throated Warbler, and Sooty Thrush.
Yellow-thighed Finch |
Sooty Thrush |
Our next stop was the communication tower road – a regular
destination for Volcano Junco and Volcano Hummingbird – we saw both very easily
and were able to get going again – very much tick and run birding today.
Volcano Junco |
Volcano Hummingbird |
After a quick lunch at a roadside stop overlooking some
feeders we visited the Bosque del Tolomuco. As far as I could tell this is
somebody’s house with a couple of cottages that they rent, but it also has a
great many bird feeders and we added many new species here including
White-crested Coquette which we saw no-where else, Magenta-throated Woodstar, White-tailed Emerald, Green-crowned Brilliant, White-throated Mountain Gem and Snowy-bellied Hummingbird. We also saw Lesson’s Motmot, another Red-headed
Barbet, and a Black-striped Sparrow along the edges of the garden.
White-tailed Emerald |
Green-crowned Brilliant |
White-throated Mountain Gem |
Lesson's Motmot |
Silver-throated Tanager |
We continued down the Pacific slope to the city of San
Isidro. I had fallen asleep somewhere on the way down and woke up as we pulled
up next to a police station in an unprepossessing industrial estate close to
the Colegio Tecnico Profesional. I got out of the car and was instantly floored
by the heat. Wow! A huge difference from the relative cool of the Highlands!
This is what we would be birding in over the next day and a half! The reason we
were in a slightly bizarre place for birding is because it is a very reliable
location for Turquoise Cotinga. Sure enough a distant bird perched up was one,
but flew out of view before Bob or I could get to the scope. This happened
several times until we changed position slightly and thankfully got excellent
views of several different birds that flew in. Incredible looking things,
precisely as their name would suggest!
Turquoise Cotinga |
Before we left the city we stopped at a small water
treatment plant quite close to the Cotinga site. Here a five minute scan
produced Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Blue-winged Teal, Black-necked Stilt and
Southern Lapwing. None of these were new for me but it is little stops like
this that contribute to a large trip lists and the glowing feeling that this
promotes in birders returning home from an expedition.
Back in the comfort of the air-conditioned car we turned
onto Route 243 and crossed over the small coastal range before finally seeing
the Pacific Ocean. From now on the rest of the day would just be a long drive
up the coast to Tarcoles. There were nonetheless birding opportunities similar
to the water treatment works. For instance we stopped by some fields for Smooth-billed
Ani, scanned for raptors such as Yellow-headed Caracara, and also stopped at a
small roadside wetland area for a quick-fire addition to the list in the shape
of Ringed Kingfisher, Anhinga, Bare-throated Tiger Heron (which completes my
set of this fantastic family), Purple Gallinule, and Green Heron. Amazon
Kingfisher was also on the overhead wires here. We had to press on though, this
is the unfortunate reality of wanting to maximise the different habitats in a
short trip. By far the majority of the habitat along the coast was Palm Oil
plantations – bird-free zones barring various Pigeons, and a real shame to see
but that is the economic reality of the tropics. Have a look at the satellite
view below and it really hits home – miles and miles of it, with presumably a
dearth of biodiversity. At one point some Scarlet Macaws flew over the road I
think, but we would see this species better the following day.
Add caption |
We arrived at the Hotel Villa Lapas in the dark to discover
a Common Pauraque in the car park and the happy news that we were on an all
inclusive rate and as such that there was an open bar. Bob and I thus consumed
multiple beverages whilst light-crazed Cicadas zoomed around our heads and
smashed into our faces. These were collected by a small child with a huge love
of anything that moved – the benefits of having field scientist parents – and dutifully
presented to any passing adults. Trip list 311 - all going well.
A real feature of the Pacific lowlands was the incessant grating of Cicadas |
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