Friday 8 January 2016

Eight days of nothing

Today is the my eighth day of abstinence, which has been very hard. It is also eight days since I posted a new photo on this blog, indeed the last five posts - everything so far in 2016 - have not featured any kind of 'padding' whatsoever. Photos are most definitely padding, in the same way that cycling is. Speaking of which I have a new list, my cycle to work list! As you know I love a good list, and this is a perfect excuse to start another one. Yesterday I gor Redshank, Teal and a few other bits on Bow Creek, but I had a sneaking suspicion that I had missed something, so today in addition to all the other clobber that cyclists weigh themselves down with I added binoculars. Frankly this is what London bikers have been missing. So along with my high-viz straps, helmet and various other accessories, I added Swaros. It completed the look nicely I felt, and they proved their worth very quickly when down near the river I added a Common Sandpiper to the list . They also allow me to legitimately stop pedalling. Not to rest you understand, it is just that it would be extremely dangerous to try and use them whilst moving, so I am forced to stop. Anyway, I think I am now up to 21 species, and it could be time to start varying the route a bit to see what new things I can pick up. For instance yesterday I took a wrong turn and ended up in a housing estate. This cost me about three minutes, but it did net me a Dunnock. A wrong turn down a long canal, of which there are many in east London, could see me add Grey Wag, Mute Swan, or possibly even something as good as a Coot. In other words there is plenty of motivation to come.

Here is a Dunnock for illustrative purposes. Not the one I saw this morning, which you can tell as there is lots of blue sky. So far my cycling career has been dominated by grey skies. Wet grey skies mostly.

Anyway, back to the padding... I am sorry to say that so far this year I've not even picked up my camera which is pretty poor - especially living on a patch littered with winter ducks in all their finery. Apart from bloody Wigeon of course, bastards. However this is all due to change this weekend, when hopefully I shall be doing nothing but. My arms are looking forward to it, as they have been feeling left out in favour of my legs. I've told them what I've been doing to my legs counts as abuse, if not full-on GBH, but apparently they're still up for it. I'll take the 800mm, that should shut them up.


  1. Jono, as you know, I think that you are an exceptional photographer. But until you pointed out that you hadn't placed any images with your recent posts, I hadn't noticed. Maybe that makes your words every bit as good as your images!

  2. Cycling birdlist. Sounds good. I can't think off hand about anything I've seen from the bike but while running I've had a (London) Golden Oriole. Gav has also nailed stuff while on the run.
    Dare I mention we had 90 species one Jan 1st (London) because we were both runners. William Girling (Velvet Scoter) was rampaged at speed.

    1. Running? I had to run for Northern Waterthrush once. Never again! I am hopeless.

  3. Are you also abstaining from Double Deckers? Having read with wonder about the magical effect that they can sometime have upon your twitching, I wondered if you had found a suitable low-calorie replacement? Perhaps some magical cereal or energy bar?

    1. Yes unfortunately so, though winter is a good time to be doing so. Come spring they will be needed again, but for now not a single morsel of chocolate has passed my lips for at least a week. Do you know of a low calorie alternative that works?
