Monday 6 April 2015

Numbers three and four

OK, so these two photos are not quite up to the standard of the last lot I posted, but that's due to the two bird theory which I'm sure you've heard about. Not the two bird theory where you make a complete howler and then say "oh, that's not the bird". Nor the one where you miss a rarity but somehow see another. No, this is the one where both birds look at you, and then at each other as if to ask "are you thinking what I'm thinking?" and then fly off miles away. It's a well known fact that single birds are easy to photograph, whereas when they have company they're utter pigs. Pigs that fly though of course, and often some distance. So it was with these two, numbers three and four for the patch this year, and I got my ass handed to me.

That was the story of yesterday, along with my first Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Swallow and Buzzard. Today was even more fun, with my first patch Rook since 2009, an event so exciting I failed to photograph it, and then a Peregrine. Sadly I was at the park with the kids when the Red Kite went through, but such is life. This flurry of activity sees me hit the dizzy heights of 72 for the year. I am definitely a laggard, as in addition to Nick who is determined to see everything, both Bob and Dan seem to be on a bit of a mission too. Indeed the Rook was a full fat patch tick for Bob, which sees him overtake me in the local listing rankings (all six of us....). And while he still has a bevvy of absolute sitters still to see like Green and Wood Sandpipers, I need to somehow claw back Pallas's Sandgrouse (1863), and Archaeopteryx. Anyhow, must dash, there is more Florida to sort out.

I was able to prove how cool I was by calling out a 787-9 from the vizmig point, Virgin's G-VNEW (which indeed it is)

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