Sunday 13 September 2015

UKIP overrun on Wanstead Flats

Cries of "No more migrants!" were heard ringing out on Wanstead Flats this morning, but much like Nige, nobody listened. There were so many birds in just a small area that I was unable to keep track of any of them - some may have snuck through! Until we can secure our borders, no count of Whinchat or Spotted Flycatcher is safe. I ended up on eight of the former and seven of the latter, but they refused to stay still, flitting around the brooms and the margins of Long Wood in a frenzy of activity. A male Redstart was in the enclosure, with another male and a female in the brooms, and an ungrateful migrant Wheatear refused to let me get close to it. A couple of Whitethroat were in the brooms too, with a few Chiffchaff and a single, bright Willow Warbler. I was quite unable to visit any other parts of the Flats, and only left when the model aircraft crew started up. Oh for a model surface-to-air battery...

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