Saturday 10 January 2015

Slave to the camera

Mild panic whilst in the UAE - and much internet chortling as to my unfavourable location - when Nick found a Slavonian Grebe on Heronry, a first for the patch no less. Happily it's still here, and although I managed a quick pre-work twitch on Friday for it for the tick element, the proper enjoyment element had to be skipped. I put that right this afternoon with lengthy views at relatively close range. Heronry is a pig of pond to work with few clear spots, and as it's concrete-sided is a right pain to photograph on as well, so whilst I could never get down to the correct level here's the best I could manage without going for a swim. Yes, I am aware that the local internet has far too many photos of this bird on it. And no, I don't care. The world needs more nice things in my opinion, and this little stunner is very nice indeed. My 140th patch tick as well, so a nice round number to celebrate.

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