Sunday 25 September 2011

I love it when a plan comes together

Yesterday could not have gone much better really. My mincab driver didn't crash and kill us both, my plane left on time, and similarly experienced no crashing and burning, and the adult Sandhill Crane near Aberdeen decided to stay the night. So in a fit of minor extravagance, I hired a car for six hours, and went to have a look at it. Naturally the dreaded "flew off" message came up when I was about half an hour away, but the way my luck is running I knew that wouldn't be a problem. Indeed it wasn't, and after a very small amount of searching, I found the spot that it had favoured the day before, and was happy to see people ejecting themselves from cars and running up the side of a field. I parked up, put my camera together,and sauntered up the side of the field, no mentions of whippets here please. And there it was, feeding in the next field along.I enjoyed it with perhaps ten other birders before the masses really began to arrive, and then, joy of joys, it got up and flew right over our heads.

Please look away now.

Thank You.

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