Thursday 5 September 2024

The Wryneck streak ends

This is the 2013 bird

It had to happen some day, and Tuesday was that day. A Wryneck was found on the patch and I didn't see it. My record up until this sad event was unimpeachable, I'd managed to see all six to have graced the patch. 

17th September 2010

26th August 2012

6th September 2013

2nd September 2015

4th September 2021

2nd September 2022

Putting aside the fact that I was staring at a screen in Canary Wharf and had no chance with this latest bird, I think this is (was) a pretty great run. Perhaps more amazing is the fact these birds graced the patch at all, quite how many there have been, and how consistent the dates are - with this week's bird on 3rd September that means the bulk have arrived in a five day period. I tried after work, as did a few others, hoping that the last rays of the evening light might result in a quick sunning before roost but it wasn't to be. The final hope was the following morning. Previous birds have often sat up in a bush to warm up before dropping to feed, so I was up and out early. No joy, and so my 100% record has come to an end. 

It was a good morning nonetheless, possibly one of our best migrant falls ever in terms of diversity. 10 Wheatear, 2 Whinchat, Redstart, Pied Flycatcher, Spotted Flycatcher, 5 Tree Pipit, Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, Swallow and Yellow Wagtail. Had you been able to stay out all morning you could have nearly completed autumn in just a few hours. I had to go to work again so missed out on quite a few of the birds - well, almost all of them in fact - but before I headed off to the office I did get all 10 of the Wheatear together on Centre Path which was very pleasing. In one sense the pressure is now off. Not that the possibility I might miss a patch Wryneck weighed heavily on my mind, caused me sleepless nights etc, but you know how it is.

And this is the 2021 bird.

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