Sunday 31 May 2015

Wanstead Bird Reports

Nick and Tim have produced another astonishingly good bird report for 2014, which you can view by clicking the image below, or if here that doesn't work. A work of love, amazing for what is an urban local patch, it shows quite how much hard work people put in on the patch, and how fortunate we are to have such a dedicated bunch of observers - the patch is large but the coverage is extremely good. The gradual build-up of decent records can be seen on the Wansteadbirding blog's Report Page. Success breeds success it seems, more reports equals more observers, equals more birds found. So it is with great timing that the BBRC just accepted last year's Blyth's Reed Warbler. Get in! 


  1. Congratulations to all involved. Such publications can do nothing but inspire.

    1. Thanks Steve, for a bunch of perhaps 12 of us we're pretty pleased with how we get on. Hopefully we can inspire people. What's good about the 'gang' is that we have a mix of talents. Publishing, surveying, recording, photographing, finding - we have quite a few bases covered.

    2. Thanks Steve, for a bunch of perhaps 12 of us we're pretty pleased with how we get on. Hopefully we can inspire people. What's good about the 'gang' is that we have a mix of talents. Publishing, surveying, recording, photographing, finding - we have quite a few bases covered.
