
Friday 9 December 2016

In search of worthiness

I have just undertaken a sad cull of blogs that I used to enjoy. Anyone who has ever written one knows how hard they can be to maintain – I was bemoaning that very fact a few weeks ago – and in these cases I guess that either real life or apathy took over and their authors simply stowed or threw away their metaphorical pens. It’s a shame, but I completely get it. So anything which had been silent for more than three months has been taken away – a dead link, the UK400 club equivalent of a green record. An ex-blogger.

A moment of silence for the departed please.

Right, that said, and despite blogging’s time in the sun declining, there remains a huge amount of wonderful content out there. Some of it I have already, but I am sure that there is a lot that I am missing out on. So I am asking all of you – both of you – to help repopulate the “how I fritter away the day” section of this webpage over there on the right (if you are reading on an actual computer). I’m also going to rename the section as I have precisely no time to fritter away, and indeed it could be that several days elapse before I even get around to reading any new entries. So, if anyone reading this has a suggestion for new things that I might like to read, or indeed that people reading this might like to read in preference then please do tell me what it is called via a comment, and if you are clever enough, leave an html link. I have my eye on a couple already, but I am obviously very concerned about the quality of what I might lead you to and would not wish any substandard experiences on visitors through a poorly-considered endorsement, ahem, so I am waiting to see if what I enjoyed from the outset continues to titillate.

Birds do not have to feature, some of my favourite blogs are not about birds at all. Instead they cover such diverse topics as goats, cycling, capybaras and fishing, nary a mention of a feather. Just like this one really, I like a bit of variety. Some topics are more likely to feature than others of course. In my current mood anything that involves too much do-gooding, too much protest or anger, and especially anything to do with either religion or politics are probably going to be non starters. Whilst I very much enjoyed reading about plans for a referendum on breeding Hen Harriers that lay exploding eggs on “Make Grouse Moors Great Again via the medium of Prayer”, it’s not something I could in all good conscience foist on other people.


  1. Hi Jono, As well as yours and Steve Gales the other blog I go to regularly is Northern Rustic - . And Dylan Wraythall's ....any more and I won't get any work done! Keep blogging, you are always a good read

    1. I've got Mark already, though all that happens there is he makes me jealous having thrown the towel and London and now lives the dream at Filey. I dip into Dylan as well, but I am not overly keen on relentless fishing I'm afraid (sorry Dyl)

  2. Tricky one, Jono. Like me, I expect you occasionally dip in to your favourite bloggers' reading lists to see if anything appeals, so I'm not sure I can offer any suggestions. That won't stop me leaving a comment though.

  3. in fairness, Gavin hardly ever blogs about goats....

  4. Jono, I'm currently on a similar search, and will pass on any gems to you.

  5. Likewise, but it's tough out there

    1. From the amount of suggestions I am getting, it most certainly seems that it is!

  6. Might I humbly suggest my east Norfolk blog? Happy to add a reciprocal link and, I promise, I'm not intending to stop writing it. Of course, since I'm obviously around your age, that's not necessarily something I / we have control over!

  7. Have you come across the 'Grumpy Ecologist' blog by @BillyBloodworm? This is Graham White, who used to be the Herts section recorder when I was on the London Records Committee. He's even older than me. I've dipped into it occasionally but am thinking about adding it to my blog list and making more of an effort. Pretty fascinating reserve management and related stuff, if you're in the mood.

  8. have blogged a few thoughts on this here:

    1. Hi DD, and thanks for the comment – there are some nice looking blogs on there which I shall try and delve into during any quiet moments. I’ve dipped into the Grumpy Ecologist before, but the others are mostly new to me, including your own. Having read the last few I can tell you that I too have dipped a bastard of an OBP in the Dell, so I feel your pain. I’ve since found my own on Shetland and successfully chased one down in Essex. Also, where is your patch? For some reason I assumed you lived in Dorset… I now gather it is Herts, albeit not Rye Meads or Amwell?
