
Saturday 14 April 2012

Finland & Norway: The Team

Lots of bird blogs focus 100% on birds, but the people are interesting too - sometimes very interesting. Obviously that's not the case here, but I thought it might make a change to show the people who get a lot of mention on this blog but rarely make an appearance - unless of course they are caught in an unfortunate pose somewhere and I am quick enough with the camera....

Anyway, I went to the Arctic Circle with Bradders Sr and Bradders Jr. Here they are by our hire car. I can't remember which is which.

Then of course there's me. I make an appearance on this blog even more rarely than other people - which is a good thing. Sometimes however it is fitting that I appear, and this is one of those unfortunate times. So, here I am on the Russian border up near Kirkenes. I was far too chicken to go and poke a toe over the line, much as I wanted to, but the signage looked pretty serious, and they do have lots of guns and things, so I played it safe.

And finally, here's Snuffi, critical to the success of the mission. Snuffi is a small panther, and he has seen the Northern Lights. How many panthers can say that? Mainly Snuffi came so that photos of Snuffi doing things could be sent back to the children, riding a snowmobile, that kind of thing. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

1 comment:

  1. The snow makes you look remarkably svelte is it an optical illusion?
