
Friday 15 November 2013

Twitching Dilemma

On the one hand it's a tick.
On the other hand it's five hours away.

On the one hand it's almost exactly where the Izzy Wheatear was and I went for that.
On the other hand it's not a Wheatear.

On the one hand it is an Orphean Warbler.
On the other hand nobody knows which race it is.

On the one hand it's incredibly rare whatever race it is.
On the other hand it looks quite like a Lesser Whitethroat.

On the one hand I am free all weekend.
On the other hand so are hundreds of other people.

On the one hand I can't be arsed.
On the other hand, FFS. Can we just move to winter now please?


  1. Go ..... You know you want to ! Beat the scrum by getting there for about 11am - all the idiots will have gone leaving you and the bird ;-)

  2. Come down to Dungeness and have a day out with the Gulls !

  3. Not that twitch distance these days but i did manage the Scillies bird in the '80's and until there is a deff split of 2 spp that'l do me for now......

    Laurie -
