
Tuesday 19 February 2013

I am not a big twitcher, but......

...sometimes, just sometimes, it has to be done.


  1. Beauty! It's my impression that the new lens you got some time ago has really enabled you to do new things with your photography. I know there's a lot of time and skill involved either way but your photos' clarity, color, and composition have all been fabulous recently.

    We've been having notable irruptions of them around here, which is of course not quite the same as seeing one over there. They're all females or immature males.

    It was the least "real birder" sighting ever in my case--I went off for a computer training course last week that, happily, was located at the most reliable area to see them right now (an industrial park with lots of ornamental trees), and after giving it a half-hearted try outside in the cold wind during a break, finally caught sight of them from the inside, watched them at close distance from the break room window, while drinking bad coffee mixed with hot chocolate.
